The SAP Market Rates Management service allows you to upload and download market rates and integrate them into your SAP S/4HANA or SAP S/4HANA Cloud systems. You can choose between the SAP Market Rates Management Bring Your Own Rates or SAP Market Rates Management Thomson Reuters data options. The former data option allows you to upload and download financial market data from your own sources while the latter option provides currency exchange and interest rates provided by Thomson Reuters. Both data options allow for automated downloads in your landscape by using existing SAP S/4HANA transactions. You can choose what data option works best for you depending on your business needs.
Key takeaways:
- Automation of market rates import and distribution across your SAP S/4HANA landscape.
- Ability to get out-of-the-box rates from leading market data providers without the need for additional contracts.
- Ability to bring your own rates from your existing contracts.
Nisheeth Agarwal, SAP
- Background- 2:30
- Solution Overview- 7:00
- Demo- 15:15
- What's Next?- 29:06
- Q&A- 30:47
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