Imagine a single cloud-based solution holding all the equipment information in an ecosystem of manufacturers, engineering and construction service providers, operators, and maintenance contractors. Think, for example, of the operational effectiveness when each manufacturer can digitally publish the equipment model attributes, instructions, manuals, and failure modes, and maintenance workers can consume this in real time in their daily operational activities. Envision built-in equipment analysis that inspires new business models for managing equipment as a service or redesigning it based on performance. Welcome to SAP Asset Intelligence Network. 


Key Takeaways: 

  • Harnessing the digital twin and cloud technology in the asset management ecosystem 

  • Establish a digital thread connecting multiple systems, products, assets, processes, and people inside and outside your organization on an open platform 

  • Leverage the network to drive business outcomes: closer internal/external asset collaboration, faster time to market, more proactive and predictive service, platform for new revenue generation. 


  • Carlos Lemos, Solution Owner, SAP