Women Smiling and Talking

ASUG Women Connect exists to help women in SAP technology visualize and inspire success.

In honor of October being National Women’s Small Business Month, we are excited to bring together a group of female leaders who will share their unique insights and perspectives about how women can find growth and success in small businesses.

Join us for a panel discussion, where our esteemed speakers will discuss how to focus on your strengths, advocate for yourself and other women, ask for what you want, and more.

This conversation will take place live on Wednesday, Oct. 28 and will be moderated by Kelsey Gould, enterprise content coordinator for ASUG.


  • Allison Boutilier, Program Management (SAP & Strategic Efficiency), Marine Atlantic
  • Laurie McCabe, Cofounder & Partner, SMB Group
  • Lori Palmer, President and Owner, REB Storage Systems International