Think Tanks connect you with peers navigating the same challenges and opportunities as you. ASUG will facilitate an interactive peer-to-peer exchange where solutions are shared for topics specific to your role and interest.

The format for Tuesday, March 17 at 12 p.m. CT will include: 

  • Brief welcome and kickoff from ASUG 

  • Rapid case study led by ASUG member Becky Simoneaux from Albemarle Corporation 

  • The discussion will focus on: 

  • Open discussion to gather input from SAP chemical customers on the chemical industry’s key pain points and day-to-day challenges 

  • SAP resources in attendance to answer specific questions, where possible 

  • Input gathered to be used for consideration for future ASUG Chemicals Think Tank topics  

  • Sharing of recent wins or successes, along with resources utilized 

Gain visibility into the challenges and successes other SAP customers are experiencing, and acquire new ideas for real-world solutions. You’ll also have the opportunity to give us feedback on this format as we seek to shape new offerings available to ASUG members.