
With the reduced commodity prices, it is critical for E&Ps to operate in a more efficient way. By identifying issues, prioritizing and understanding the root-cause of an impending event, we can reduce asset downtime and get the best return on investment. To enable this, it is critical to have surveillance tools, access to real-time data, and improve the decision making process. Unlock new analytical and predictive capabilities and simplify integration. Consolidate the collection, archiving, and distribution of historical Internet of Things (IoT) data with the SAP HANA IoT Integrator solution by OSIsoft. Learn how Marathon is benefiting from information and operation technology (IT/OT) integration.  


Learn how SAP Leonardo and OSIsoft used IoT and enable three transformative opportunities in manufacturing: machine and factory health, digital thread, and smart products. 



Varun Garg,  Application Architect Marathon Oil 

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