ASUG invites you to participate in a daily dialogue with your peers local to your region. In a time of “social distancing,” the need to connect with peers local to your area and talk through business challenges has never been more important. Think tanks are open to all ASUG members; we encourage the members of the following regional chapters to join and discuss SAP challenges with others in your area.

  • Mid-Atlantic
  • New England
  • New Jersey
  • New York City Metro
  • Philadelphia
  • Pittsburgh
  • Upstate New York
  • Carolinas 

Our goal is to connect you with people and resources that will help you get the most value from your SAP investment. Join us each day at 4:00 p.m. ET/3:00 p.m. CT for an hour of virtual dialogue on the topic of the day. These conversations are open to all ASUG members and will be facilitated by a member of the ASUG staff and the volunteers from our regional ASUG Chapters.


  • ASUG member companies are turning into COVID-19 Heroes:
    • Braskem America: employees volunteered to work 12-hour shifts for 30 days to support the manufacturing of PPE. Enabled a new WiFi network so employees could access personal iPads and even XBoxes during their downtime. 
    • Brooks Brothers reconfigured their manufacturing environment to produce face masks - all while managing a go-live
    • Benjamin Moore has increased hardware manufacturing to meet demand
    • ASUG thanks these companies for their service to their communities during this paramount time

Links that were shared:


Check out our full lineup of Think Tanks HERE and register to connect with your peers.