Think Tanks connect you with peers navigating the same challenges and opportunities as you. ASUG will facilitate an interactive peer-to-peer exchange where solutions are shared for topics specific to your role and interest.

The format for Friday, Feb. 21 at 9 a.m. CT will include:  

  • Brief welcome and kickoff from ASUG
  • Rapid case study led by ASUG members Karen Chirico and Venu Nalabothula.
  • The discussion will focus on:
    • Brief overview of 1909 release enhancements. 

    • What gaps did your 1909 release enhancements solve? 

    • What gaps still exist despite the enhancements. 

  • Sharing of recent wins or successes, along with resources utilized

Gain visibility into the challenges and successes other SAP customers are experiencing, and acquire new ideas for real-world solutions. 

If you are experiencing challenges and would like to lead your own case study, fill out the survey here