In partnership with Precisely, this ASUG webcast will deliver insights designed to support your work with SAP technology.

What is the current status of your migration plans for implementing SAP S/4HANA? While many companies are eager to move to SAP S/4HANA, others struggle to complete an effective transition.
If you’re looking for help, try joining our new webinar. Discover how to address some of the challenges through our expert tips and best practices. We’ll guide your organization toward using process automation and data management solutions to not only streamline your migration, but also get the best initial data quality into SAP S/4HANA, establishing a solid foundation for future success.
We will cover:

  • The why and how behind automation and its role in increasing the chance of a smooth transition
  • The key questions to ask before, during, and after migration to help set up success
  • How process automation and data management capabilities from Precisely streamline the overall migration process
  • Real examples of companies who successfully automated their transition and all the new benefits they uncovered along the way

Whether it’s your first time implementing SAP S/4HANA or you’re migrating from an older SAP system, you’ll come away with valuable information to help set up your strategy and identify the critical questions while plotting your migration strategy.


  • Andrew Hayden, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Precisely

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