SAP Data Protection Series (Part 3)
Decrease the risk from “insiders” abusing or stealing sensitive data. Learn how to refine access to sensitive data and improve protection against misuse on top of your existing access/authorization setup and discover how to protocol screen exact data read access for common SAP user interfaces.
See the solutions in action, and understand how to UI Logging and UI Masking to rapidly implement functionality to
- define sensitive information which will appear masked to unauthorized users
- obtain a screenexact snapshot of the exact information obtained by monitored users, and conduct meaningful analyses
- integrate with Enterprise Threat Detection for additional benefits
Tobias Keller; Solution Manager for UI Data Security, SAP
Speaker Bio:
Tobias Keller is Solution Manager for UI Data Security at SAP. He has a background in computer science and worked in various solution manager positions at SAP during the last 11 years focused on SAP innovative Business Solutions and Mobility
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