In partnership with Sovos, this ASUG webcast will deliver insights designed to support your work with SAP technology.

All aspects of Mexico e-invoicing are complex, and the SAT (Servicio de Administracion Tributaria) has visibility into all of your transactions. Running spreadsheets for pagos and e-accounting is no longer an option for multinational organizations and a PAC integration is not always the right answer. PACs offer a Timbre Fiscal for CFDI, or signing on behalf of the government. From an end-to-end solution perspective, that is only 10% of the solution. Who owns the other 90% of the process at your organization?

Key Takeaways:

  • You need an organization that will build, monitor, and maintain your SAP e-invoicing mapping. 
  • Extracting data out of SAP and converting it into the format required for certification is key. 
  • How do you handle a business that invoices you and immediately cancels?   


  • Billy Kazantzis, Director, Product Management, Sovos
  • JC Blanco, Product Manager, Mexico, Sovos