Hosted by SNP and VOQUZ

2017 left many SAP customers anxious about how SAP may treat them for potential Indirect Access exposure. Two widely-discussed court cases created legal precedent for non-compliance, and  crescendo in a SAPPHIRENOW announcement that lacked an all-encompassing resolution.

In this interactive webcast, watch our independent licensing experts connect the dots on what we know so far, while preparing you for what’s ahead in 2018. Learn what the recent SAP white paper means for your organization, and benefit from examples of how other customers have resolved the Indirect Access issue for themselves. Now is a critical time for all SAP customers to proactively determine their  interface risk exposure to avoid true-ups they might encounter with indirect usage of SAP software. 

Join this session + Q&A to learn how you can mitigate the cost impact of Indirect Access before you’re in the crossfire, or what you can do if you are already there.


Sebastian Schoofs, Executive Director, VOQUZ 

Lorenzo Squellati, Director of Applications, SNP


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